
Hello there 👋

Glad to welcome you in my blog. My name is Abdelkrim or more concisely Karim. I’m a software engineer. I talk about different topics in the Software Engineering realm like : Software Architecture, Software Testing and technologies like: flutter/dart, dotnet/C#, Azure. Or sometimes anything that comes to my mind.

When you go through the articles in my blog, know that life is a learning journey and my opinion is not the right or the correct opinion. Anything I say or I think is subject to criticism and more importantly is subject to change as one know there is “no silver bullet”. And I’ll be more than happy to receive your feedback about anything.

Feel free to connect with me on different social media, you can find all the handles at the footer of the blog. If you have work that you think I can get done, you can send me an email 📮.


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